Kerr County Republican Party
The Kerr County Republican Party is an all-volunteer committee dedicated to ensure the election of the most conservative Republican candidates.
The Republican Philosophy
We Believe…
Strong Families
Families intent on giving their children the hope of a better tomorrow, the promise of a safe and secure today, and an appreciation and respect of yesterday.
Principled, Innovative Leadership
Principled leaders with an understanding of Texas’ heritage and a clear vision for Texas’ future. Leadership that is unwavering in the face of criticism, steadfast when confronted with adversity, and committed to building a better State.
We Believe…
Limited Government
A government that promotes policies to unlock individual potential and unleash economic growth. Government that does not try to be all things to all people.
Honest Compassion
A society assisting those in need rather than government trying to solve every problem by throwing more money at it.
Opportunity For All
The opportunity to chart one’s own course, start a business, chase a dream, or build a life regardless of gender,race, or religion.
We Believe…
Quality Education
An educational system that prepares children for tomorrow’s workplace regardless of race, wealth or geographical location. Education is the bedrock of freedom and the gateway to opportunity.
Personal Responsibility
Individuals taking personal responsibility for their own actions and a criminal justice system based on this idea. With freedom comes responsibility.
We Believe…
Freedom that is God given, affirmed by our Founding Fathers, articulated in the Declaration of Independence, and protected by the Constitution.
Rugged Individualism
The entrepreneurial spirit of the individual that continues to solidify Texas as a world economic power.
How to Get Involved
Attend Events
There is always something going on in Kerr County. Come out and take part!
Help Your Precinct Chair
Being a Precinct Chair can be a thankless job. Reach out to your precinct chair and let them know you are able to help them!
The Headquarters office always needs staffing. Please reach out and let us know if you have some time to volunteer!
Spread The Word
We need help getting the word out on events, election info, and just all-around conservative principles. Share with your circle!